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Love is in The Air…And on the Hood of Your Car

September 11th, 2013 by flanews

Tiny insects are leaving their marks in what may be record numbers on cars across Florida.

Bob Goldman, a Floridian who has years of experience dealing with these pest, believes the love-bug population has significantly increased from previous years.

“Whenever I drive on the roads in Florida this time of year,” said Bob Goldman. “I expect Love Bugs, but this has been an unusually thick situation.”

Anywhere from a quarter of an inch to a third of an inch, these tiny pests are hard to miss. After becoming an adult, a male and female will couple up and start the mating process. The insects are attracted to hot surfaces and car emissions, making their time together short lived.

Bob Goldman took his Love bug infested car to the carwash for a much needed scrubbing Wednesday morning after driving through a swarm of the pesky insects Tuesday evening.

“My car has never been covered so much with Love Bugs,” said Goldman.

Although a lack of conclusive evidence makes it difficult to prove, those familiar with the insect say it appears that there are more Love bugs out this fall than in recent memory.

“A lot more cars and a lot more bugs,” said A.J Chandler, Manager of Super Suds.

”Cars are lined up at car washes to clean these pesky bugs off of them and experts warn drivers to clean them off fast, or risk damage to your car,” Matt Horn reports.

“If you get enough of them, they can actually block the radiator, but that’s an exception,” said Jan Peters, an Entomologist at FAMU.

Although the bugs are a nuisance for most, Love Bugs are harmless for humans and will be gone soon enough.

“When it gets cold they’ll go away,” said Peters.

Love Bugs are most common in the spring and again in the fall.

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