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Can You Hear Me Now? Good.

September 5th, 2013 by flanews

Imagine looking for a job and not having access to a phone to find out if you’re wanted for a second interview. Millions across America face that obstacle yearly. As Matt Horn reports – Florida is working towards making sure everyone has a phone no matter how much money you make.

From days gone by, when there were four families to one phone to one family with four phones. The need to stay connected is as important now as ever before. That’s why Mamie Barber attended a kick off event for the National Lifeline Awareness Week.

“I know for myself being a low income family, this program will help me,” said Barber.

The purpose of the meeting is to get these applications into the hands of low-income families so they can stay connected with others.

Over the next week a number of events will be held across the state — making sure everyone can stay in touch..

“There are a lot of benefits for having this cell phone for those who need it,” said wireless representative Tammy Johnston.

Statewide – more than 1-million Floridians need assistance to get phone services. An increase of 9-point-7 percent from last year.

“It’s a program that is growing, that recognizes the financial situation many families are in today,” said PSC Chariman Ronald Brise.

Senator Bill Montford says everyone who is eligible for the program should get a phone. “This is an effort today to provide that service to the people who need it. The one’s under financial stress at this point,” said Senator Montford.

For Barber – she says it doesn’t matter how much money you have – but having access to a phone is needed for all.

“Don’t judge us because where we live at or anything else because we’re all still human,” she said.

The discount service costs 111 dollars a year.

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