One of a Kind Couple
August 27th, 2013 by flanewsA one-of-a-kind marriage between two females have sparked controversy in Florida and in Texas. As Matt Horn reports this same-sex marriage couple used a Texas court ruling against itself to marry…making their situation a one of a kind in America.
This marriage has been one of the biggest blessings and biggest obstacles for Kim and Carolyn Van der Linde. That’s because Kim was born a male.
“I started out maybe feeling a little odd about it, because yeah it is a little big different. But, after a while, I just realized this is the one, so does it matter,” asked Carolyn van der Linde.
After dating for three years, the couple decided to take the next step and tie the knot. Although Florida laws ban same-sex marriage; the couple decided to challenge a similar Texas law.
“How you’re born is what you are, whether you’re transgender or not, it doesn’t matter; and that basically told me, we can get married there as a heterosexual couple,” said Dr. Kim van der Linde.
Kim who is a biologist at Florida State University was able to prove under Texas law that their marriage is in fact legal. That’s because she has male chromosomes while her wife has female chromosomes.
The couple found a judge to marry them as a heterosexual couple in San Antonio, Texas.
“We went in and she was like okay. It was very awkward because I was addressed as mister,” said Kim.
However, the Van der Linde’s marriage isn’t recognized in Florida, since the state considers them a same-sex couple; and not a heterosexual couple like Texas.
“Loopholes, contradictions and discrimination and that makes for bad policy,” said attorney Eliabeth Ricci.
Two weeks ago – Kim, who is from the Netherlands – finally received her green card allowing her to stay in Florida with Carolyn. Making this bi-national couple’s marriage one of the most unique in the country.
The 1999 Texas court case had nullified a marriage between a male and a transgender female saying the chromosomes a person is born with is the gender a person is, even after a sex change. Which made the marriage between the Van der Linde’s possible.
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