More Schools May Fail; Even With Higher Test Scores
July 1st, 2013 by flanewsDozens of changes on how Florida schools are graded have superintendents across the state working with the Department of Education on coming to a solution.
A major concern for the superintendent’s is such a high number of changes to how schools are graded will have a drastic impact on the number of schools with a failing grade.
The superintendents want the state board of education to lessen the severity of the grading; saying the public will not understand why school grades dropped even as test scores improve.
Superintendent Malcolm Thomas says it’s important the changes have a positive impact on classrooms. ”We need to make sure that as we move forward and we’re implementing so many changes that its fair, that its understandable and that it aligns with what we know is happening in our classroom,” said Thomas.
Florida grades its public schools on student success and improvements on standardized tests.
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