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House Hears Abortion Bills

April 17th, 2013 by flanews

Several bills filed to limit abortions in Florida are up for votes in the state House. Members asked questions on the bills this afternoon. They even waved the rules and, as Whitney Ray tells us, passed one bill to protect the fetus in a botched abortion.

The remaining abortion bills could be voted on later this week.

In the middle of a packed agenda, Florida House members tackled three abortion bills. The first would make the death of a fetus in the commission of a crime against the mother, murder.

“If a person commits any crime that causes the death of, or bodily injury to an unborn child, such person commits a separate offense,” explained Representative Larry Ahern.

After a half hour of discussion the bill was put on the agenda for final passage.

“I believe that abortions are wrong as you know, but I believe discrimination again any human is wrong,” said Representative Charles Van Zant.

Then Democrats and Republicans faced off over a bill to ban abortions based on the race or sex of the offspring. Before the procedure doctors would have to verify the mother’s motive.

“So are we asking our doctors and our health practitioners to now put on a police officers cap and perform a criminal investigation?” ask House Democrat Dave Kerner.

One of the abortion bills had the potential to be the most controversial piece of legislation of this session but changes were made and it passed with unanimous support.

“It defines born alive in clear and unambiguous terms a delivered human infant who draws a breath,” said bill sponsor Representative Cary Pigman.

The bill requires doctors to protect the life of any fetus surviving a botched abortion. The bill passed with overwhelming support.

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