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Foreclosure Money

January 17th, 2013 by flanews

There’s 170 million dollars available to Floridians who lost their homes to foreclosure and the window of time to claim the money closes tomorrow. As Whitney Ray tells us, less than half of the 167-thousand Floridians eligible to make a claim still haven’t.

Attorney General Pam Bondi is offering free money to Floridians ripped off in the foreclosure crisis, but more than half the people eligible don’t seem to want it.

“Attorney General Bondi has been diligent in her efforts to ensure that every borrower who may be eligible for this 170 million dollars that’s available to Floridians has been contacted,” said Jenn Meale, a spokesperson for Attorney General Bondi.

Bondi’s sent multiple letters and in a last ditch effort to reach the 90-thousand who’ve yet to file a claim she set up a phone bank.

“Some people may have tossed these notices out thinking they were just additional notices from the five banks in the settlement,” said Meale.

The lenders are Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Citi and GMAC. Anyone who had a mortgage with one of these banks and lost their home to foreclosure between from 2008 through 2011 may be owed money, but they need to act now.

“We want to ensure that everybody meets the January 18th deadline,” said Meale.

And as the deadline fast approaches more money is coming online for people caught in the foreclosure crises. This time the money is to help people keep their homes.

Thursday state lawmakers voted to send 60 million dollars to General Bondi’s office. The money is to help people struggling to pay their mortgages.

“I think it’s only fair to take that money and route it toward helping people who have been foreclosed on or are about to be foreclosed. Preferable we can prevent those foreclosures,” said Senator Alan Hays.

The money is part of a 25 billion dollar multi-state settlement. Florida’s portion is 334 million, which means more relief is in the works.

Claimants have until 5 PM EST tomorrow to make a claim. If you think you’re eligible, you can call 1-866-430-8358 or file a claim online at NationalMortgageSettlement.com.

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