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State Lawmakers Explore School Safety

January 15th, 2013 by flanews

The New York State Legislature passed the toughest gun laws in the country and the President plans to follow suit with a series of executive orders. Today Florida lawmakers meet in Tallahassee to find ways to better protect students from deranged gunmen. As Whitney Ray tells us, gun control isn’t expected to be part of their solution.

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, lawmakers are looking for ways to better protect Florida students, without harming gun owners.

Tuesday state senators meet with superintendents in Tallahassee to discuss solutions. Senator Bill Monford is the Vice Chair of the Senate Education Committee. He says the committee will explore its options, but gun control isn’t likely to be one of them.

Monford: Gun control is not on the agenda.
Reporter: Do you expect it to ever come up in this conversation this session?
Monford: I doubt it. It may very well if the chair wants to put it on the committee I think it would be appropriate.

The fix getting the most attention is beefing up school security. But the cost of putting more armed police officers in Florida schools is 100 million dollars. Creating a funding problem, because many of the lawmakers charged with making the decision have also signed a pledge not to raise taxes.

Governor Rick Scott has signed the pledge. He’s also heavily endorsed by the NRA. I asked him what measures he supports. Taxes and gun control were absent from his answer.

“We want our schools to be safe. We want our students to be safe, our teachers,” said Scott.

The Florida Legislature has a history of killing gun control bills, but many of the new measures to muzzle the 2nd amendment are coming from Washington and are out of the state’s control.

One superintendents shot down an idea that’s been hanging around ever since the Sandy Hook shooting. They told committee members, teacher should not be armed.

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