AHCA Back to the Drawing Board
January 9th, 2013 by flanewsThe state is in the process of calculating yet, another estimate of how much a Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act would cost.
Originally state economists put a 10 billion dollar 10 year price tag on the expansion. Then The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration put the price tag at 26 billion. Governor Rick Scott has been touting the higher number. Social Service Advocate Karen Woodall says, Scott’s using the AHCA estimate deliberately to build a case against the expansion.
“It’s really not confusion, its intention change in the assumptions that the numbers come from,” said Woodall.
The number Scott is touting includes the assumption that everyone who qualifies for Medicaid will enroll and also allots for a change in the amount the federal government has promised to cover. This afternoon AHCA announced it will draft another estimate.
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