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Casey Anthony Appealing Misdemeanor Charges

January 8th, 2013 by flanews

Casey Anthony is appealing four convictions for lying to police in the case of her dead daughter. Anthony’s attorneys were in Daytona Beach today telling an appeal court their client is innocent because she lied to cops before she was read her Miranda rights. As Whitney Ray tells us, those lies spawned new legislation creating tougher penalties for people who knowingly mislead police.

A free woman. This is video from 2011, when Casey Anthony was released from jail, acquitted of murdering her two year old daughter Caylee.

Anthony didn’t get off Scot-free. She was convicted on four misdemeanor counts of lying to police. She was sentenced to four years and released on time served.

Parents were outraged, and so were state lawmakers. They quickly drafted a bill stiffening penalties for lying to police.

In October, lying to police in the course of a missing child investigation became a felony carrying a five year prison sentence for each count. Had the law been in place during the Anthony trial, Casey could be in prison serving a 20 year sentence.

The bill was originally called Caylee’s Law, but legislators dropped the name to send the message that it would have a much broader impact. Since its passage the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has no record of anyone being charged under the new law. Investigators hope no one ever will.

Only time will tell if the changes save lives, but what is known is it’s too late for little Caylee. One of the lies Anthony told police was that her babysitter kidnapped Caylee. Of course there was no babysitter and the name Anthony made up, belongs to a woman who is now suing Anthony for damages.

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