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Warning: Long Ballot, Long Lines

October 11th, 2012 by flanews

Election supervisors are warning voters tonight. They say this year’s long ballot could mean long lines on Election Day. There are 11 proposed amendments on the ballot and as Whitney Ray tells us, if voters decided to read them all in the booth on Election Day people could be waiting hours to vote.

It’s not the most compelling writing, but the 11 ballot questions on the November ballot could drastically change the Florida Constitution. The language is technical. The font is small. In total the amendments take up three pages on the ballot.

It took me 14 minutes and 10 seconds to read them all. Now imagine everyone trying to read them in the voting booth on Election Day. The lines could be enormous. That’s why Chris Cate with the Division of Elections says start researching now.

“Definitely read the sample ballot before you get to the polling place it’s really going to help you know what you are getting into before you vote,” said Cate.

Cate is also encouraging people to vote early or request an absentee ballot. Some elections supervisors are taking it a step further.

“Instead of waiting for early voting to begin on October 27th, people are coming here to the office. They are requesting absentee ballots here. They are voting them here in the privacy booths we’ve set up,” said Ion Sancho, Leon County Supervisor of Elections.

This is the first election in Florida where there has been an organized effort for in-person absentee voting. It comes as early voting is cut from two weeks to one.

Nearly two million Floridians have requested absentee ballots, 147-thousand absentees have already been returned. To study up on the constitutional amendments you can visit knowyourvotecounts.com and click on the amendment link at the bottom of the screen or request a sample ballot from your supervisor of elections.

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