Voter Registration Deadline
October 8th, 2012 by flanewsThe rush is on to register voters before tomorrow’s 5PM deadline. But as Whitney Ray tells us, if you haven’t registered by then there’s one last chance to sign up to vote.
County election offices around the state are buzzing with activity as the deadline to register to vote in the General Election fast approaches.
Floridians have until 5PM Tuesday to fill out one of these applications and secure their chance to vote in the general election. Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho says the foot traffic and the phone calls are nonstop.
“We are going to be out as late as we can legally to make sure that if you want to turn in that voter registration application you can do that,” said Sancho.
But if you do miss the 5PM deadline, you can stop by the post office and mail the applications before midnight and it will still be counted.
But don’t’ try the same trick with absentee ballots.
“Absentee ballots have to be in our physical possession by 7PM November the 6th Election Day,” said Sancho.
Ballots began mailing last week, which mean votes are already pouring into to elections offices. Division of Elections Spokesman Chris Cate says Florida voters have several options for casting a ballot.
“Beginning October 27th, from that Saturday to the following Saturday, you are going to be able to cast a ballot early at an early voting location. Sites are going to be open up to 12 hours a day,” said Cate.
As the deadline to register approaches Democrats continue to build upon their registration advantage, outpacing Republicans for eight straight months. As of October 6th, there were 4.7 million registered Democrat in Florida compared to 4.2 million Republicans.
No party affiliation and third party groups are also seeing a boost in members. The latest data available shows 2.8 million Floridians are registered NPA or with a smaller party.
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