Genetic Engineering Labeling
October 2nd, 2012 by flanewsDo you know what you’re eating? Food activists say you probably don’t.
Food and Water Watch, a group calling for more transparency in grocery stores held a protest at the state capitol today. They’re asking lawmakers to pass a bill requiring food companies to label genetically engineered foods. Pricilla Hudson says it’s information consumers deserve.
“Is it really a free society? We are being told you can buy this, but we are not being told what is in it. So I have to wonder, what’s in our food that they are not telling us? If it is all healthy and good stuff, label it,” said Hudson.
There’s a proposal on the ballot in California this fall for voters there to decide if food companies should label Genetically Engineered foods. There are no studies linking GE corn, soy and other crops to diseases, but activists fear the effects will be seen in the near future.
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