RPOF Joins Merit Retention Fight
September 24th, 2012 by flanewsThe Republic Party of Florida is supporting efforts to remove three state Supreme Court justices.
The justices are up for merit retention votes this November. Former State Supreme Court Justice Major Harding says merit retention is meant to remove unethical judges, not to oust judges for the way they rule on certain cases. RPOF is basing its support, partially on a 1980’s death penalty case, where the court ruled in favor of the defendant, saying he didn’t have proper representation.
“If they are going to use one case, then you know they’re ought to be some balance. You know, are all the cases wrong or is this just one?” said Harding.
The justices have been under fire by Republicans since 2010, when they kicked a proposed constitutional amendment off the ballot. The ballot question was aimed at sending a message to Washington that Florida doesn’t support the American Health Care Act. The justice shot down the amendment saying the way the question was written would have mislead voters.
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