Bondi Picked for RNC
August 8th, 2012 by flanewsAttorney General Pam Bondi has been selected to speak at the Republican National Convention later this month. Governor Rick Scott will also give a speech. As Whitney Ray tells us, Bondi’s selection is setting up a competition between the two Florida Republicans over who will get the best time slot at the convention.
A rising star in the Republican Party, Attorney General Pam Bondi burst onto the stage in 2010, winning her first statewide election. Now Bondi’s in the national spotlight, joining a list of elite speakers at the Republican National Convention.
“I’m just very humbled to be on a list of such great speakers,” said Bondi.
Bondi’s not revealing many details.
“I don’t think I’m at liberty yet to reveal my topic,” said Bondi.
But fellow GOPer, Governor Rick Scott, is leaving little doubt about his speech.
“My job is to continue to talk about what we are doing in Florida and that we’re headed in the right direction,” said Scott.
There are primetime speaking roles at the convention and some not so prime spots, which means the attorney general and the governor will be in competition to see who gets the best slot.
Bondi already knows when she’ll be speaking, but she’s not telling.
Reporter: Do you know your slot yet?
Bondi: I do, but I can’t release that yet. I think the RNC wants to release all that information.”
While we wait on the speaker’s schedule, the focus shifts to Florida Senator Marco Rubio and what role he’ll play at the convention.
“I would certainly anticipate that Marco Rubio would be speaking as well,” said Bondi.
Political soothsayers believe if Rubio isn’t given a speaking role it means he’s Mitt Romney’s running mate. Romney is expected to announce his VP choice in the next couple of weeks.
More speakers will be announced later this week, including who will deliver the keynote address.
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