Mosquito Borne Illnesses
August 21st, 2012 by flanewsMosquito Borne Illnesses like the West Nile Virus have killed 26 people and sickened seven hundred nationwide this year. As Whitney Ray tells us, 14 people have contracted West Nile in Florida and two counties have been placed under a mosquito borne illness alert.
At this popular park near Florida’s State Capitol, fountains spray in to the air, egrets pluck fish out of the water, and mosquitoes interrupt an otherwise lovely experience.
“It’s horrible. You can’t even sit outside comfortable for 10 minutes without them biting you,” said Porscha McMillan.
Porscha does her best to defend herself.
Reporter: I’m always slapping at them. Do you slap at them?
Porscha: All in my face. Hahahaha.
She covers up when she leaves the house.
“I try to wear quarter length shirts, just to keep them off,” said Porscha.
But in the end, the mosquitoes have their way.
Reporter: When was the last time you were bitten?
Porscha: Last week.
Reporter: So you’re not doing a great job of keeping them away?
Porscha: Not a great job.
It’s a serious matter. Nationwide nearly 30 people have died from mosquito borne illnesses this year. Most of the victims are seniors, infected with the West Nile Virus. In Florida 14 cases of West Nile have been reported.
A mild winter and an increase in rainfall are causing a boom in the mosquito population and that is the basis of the outbreak.
Even though their numbers are growing, the infection rate is on par with last year. The Florida Department of Health is asking people to remove standing water from places like bird baths and old tires… to keep the insects from breeding.
“It’s very important that people go through their yards and empty containers and tires and other items that they might have that have standing water so they contribute to breeding mosquitoes,” said Dr. Carina Blackmore, with the Florida Department of Health.
Two counties, Duval and Escambia are under Mosquito Borne-Illness Alerts, which means multiple cases of West Nile have been reported.
Here are some tips from the Department of Health. Remove standing water from flower pots, buckets and anything else in the yard that holds water. Empty and clean birdbaths and pet bowls twice a week. Wear pants and long sleeve shirts. Use bug spray on everything not covered.
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