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Dems Elated about Scott’s RNC Role

August 6th, 2012 by flanews

Governor Rick Scott is getting a speaking role at the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this month. As Whitney Ray tells us, Democrats couldn’t be happier.

Later this month Governor Rick Scott will be thrust into the national spotlight speaking in front of GOP faithful at the Republican National Convention. Scott’s expected to stick to his three talking points… jobs, jobs, jobs.

“The governor has done great things for Florida. He’s getting Floridians back to work,” said Kristen McDonald, a spokeswoman for the Republican Party of Florida.

McDonald says Scott can talk about the state’s improving economy, without contradicting Mitt Romney’s message that the national economy is in shambles and the president is to blame.

“What the governor’s done here in our state is implement commonsense conservative reforms that are brining business back to our state and getting Floridians back to work. But we could still use help. We could use a national partner in the White House,” said McDonald.

While Republicans see Scott’s appearance as a way to promote fiscally conservative ideas, Democrats will use the occasion to highlight Scott’s low approval ratings, like this poll showing a majority of Floridians disagree with the governor.

“Scott’s 52 percent disapproval rating is handicapping the Republican operation in Florida and it’s hamstringing Mitt Romney,” said David Bergstein, a spokesman with the Florida Democrats.

Democrats say they’re elated Scott and Romney will be sharing a stage even if it’s at different times.

“We are extremely happy to welcome Governor Scott to the campaign trail and look forward to hearing him explain how he and Mitt Romney share the same Tea Party vision,” said Bergstein.

Romney has made dozens of stops in Florida this campaign season. Not once, even when he was in the capitol city last October, did he meet publically with Scott.

Despite Scott’s low approval ratings,, when you look at Republicans alone, about 70 percent approve of the job the governor is doing. That’s the crowd Scott will be addressing at the convention, but his remarks will also be televised.

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