ALEC under fire
July 26th, 2012 by Mike VasilindaVoters in most Florida counties will have seven fewer days to early vote. The same thing is happening in other states that are controlled by Republicans.
“It’s happening in Georgia, Maine, New Hampshire, Arizona, Tennessee, you name it, if it has a Republican controlled legislature, they’re making it more difficult for citizens to cast accessible ballots in person,” Ion Sancho, Leon County Supervisor of Elections, said.
A new 50-page report says the changes in Florida and other states are no coincidence. The citizens lobby, Common Cause, blames the corporate-sponsored American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC.
“The research that we’ve seen is that ALEC exists for a sole purpose, a single purpose, and that is to move racks of legislation, corporately sponsored bills, through state houses across the country,” Doug Clopp, with Common Cause, said.
The report is clear. Language drafted by ALEC shows up in multiple bills in Florida.
“What’s wrong with it is that the impetus behind these bills is profit for the corporate partners that are behind this legislation,” Damien Filer, with Progress Florida, said. “It’s non what’s in the best interest of public policy.”
ALEC’s involvement in legislation became front and center when State Representative Rachel Bergen introduced this bill, leaving in a paragraph referencing ALEC. A short time later, she reintroduced the exact same bill without the ALEC language.
Bergen’s legislation dealt with lowering the corporate tax rate.
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