Tuition Debate Ends Thursday
June 19th, 2012 by flanewsBy Thursday Florida college students will know how much their tuition will increase. Most of Florida’s public universities are asking for a 15 percent tuition hike, the max. But as Whitney Ray tells us, Governor Rick Scott is hoping for a different outcome.
A battle born before the beginning of the 2012 legislative session is coming to a head. Governor Rick Scott told lawmakers to fund education and leave tuition alone.
“With level funding of the universities, they shouldn’t be increasing tuition,” said Scott when he unveiled his budget on December 7th, 2011.
Scott got most of what he wanted. Lawmakers passed a budget with no tuition increases, but at the same time, cut university spending by 300 million dollars, asking schools to use reserves to make up the different.
But what happened here was just round one. Scott signed the budget with no tuition increase, then vetoed a bill to allow UF and FSU to raise rates as much as they want.
Now, it’s the University System’s Board of Governors turn to decide whether or not to raise rates. Most schools are asking for the max allowed by state law, 15 percent. Chancellor Frank Brogan says good luck.
“Fifteen percent is going to be a though ask this year because of the ongoing 15 percent increases, but also knowing the recession is taking its toll on everyone and that includes students,” said Brogan.
“I know a lot of students that took semesters off, because they didn’t have money to pay for school and things like that,” said FSU Senior Jeremy Shaw.
Reporter: You’re afraid they will price students out of a college education?
Jodeci: Pretty much yes. That’s what it’s looking like. As long as we keep on this upward expediential trend people aren’t going to be able to go.
Even if schools raise tuition the max amount it will only make up for about a third of the state funding cut.
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