Blue Ribbon Task Force Meets in Tallahassee
June 11th, 2012 by flanewsBig changes may be in the future for Florida’s 12 public universities. The Florida’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Higher Education Reform, held its first in-person meeting today in Tallahassee. The task force was formed by the governor to lower the cost of college and push more students in to high tech and science related programs. Board of Governor’s Chancellor Frank Brogan says there’s a lot of interest in improving the system.
“Right now the issue of higher education in Florida is the hottest topic in town and I think that goes well not only for the state university system eventually but also the state of Florida,” said Brogan.
The board of governor’s will meet next week to discuss tuition increases. Florida universities can requests increases up to 15 percent a year. UF has requested a nine percent tuition increase. Brogan doesn’t expect any schools to increase the maximum 15 percent.
“I can tell you that if universities are walking in to next week’s meeting in Orlando simply expecting to get a 15 percent differential increase, they need to think again.” said Brogan.
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