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FCAT Predicts More Failing Schools

June 5th, 2012 by flanews

The final round of FCAT scores have been released, foreshadowing more failing schools in Florida. FCAT scores are used to help figure a schools overall grade and as Whitney Ray tells us, the new, higher standards will mean more Ds and Fs for Florida schools.

The final round of FCAT scores were better than predicted, still, four out of 10 elementary and middle-schoolers failed math and reading. Half failed science.

In a conference call with reporters, the Commissioner of Education, explained new standards make it hard to tell if Florida students are gaining or losing ground.

“We need to have two years of data comparing apples to apples to be able to set an achievement standard,” said Commissioner Gerard Robinson.

But that doesn’t mean schools won’t be held accountable for lower scores.

FCAT scores account for half of a schools overall grade, which means the state will see more D and F scores when the Department of Education releases grades this summer.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Education says there are safeguards in place to keep school from falling too far.

“No school can drop more than one grade level this year,” said Spokeswoman Jane Fletcher.

Teachers unions fear the grade will open the doors for a charter school expansion.

“The state would like to see more for-profit entities take over for schools,” said FEA Spokesman Mark Pudlow.

On a trip through the panhandle this week Governor Rick Scott explained why he believes the new standards will work to improve education over time.

“What ever you measure gets improved, so we’ve got come up with measurement systems to constantly improve everything we want to do,” said Scott.

And the bar will only get higher as the state transitions out of FCAT and in to a tougher test by the 2014-2015.

The scores will also be used to determine which teachers receive merit pay. After the score were released, House Minority Leader Ron Saunders released this statement:

“While the FCAT may be helpful as a diagnostic tool, it is being misused as a measuring stick for how we assess student progress and how much we pay our school teachers. Florida House Democratic Caucus members continue to stand in strong support of our students and teachers and in opposition to the current use of the FCAT.”

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