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FAMU Board to Discuss Anti-Hazing Measures

June 5th, 2012 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida A & M University trustees meet in a day-long workshop tomorrow and officially on Thursday to consider new anti-hazing measures being proposed by President James Ammons. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the draft proposal would fix many of the problems discovered during the investigation of a drum majors death by hazing.

A tough new anti-hazing plan will be in place before the fall semester, if the Florida A&M University Trustees agree. Dr. James Ammons disclosed a broad outline of the plan in an exclusive interview last week.

“We think its necessary for us to have NCAA-type regulations in place,” Dr. Ammons said.

Trustees will meet a total of 18 hours over two days. About three hours of that time will be spent on the band and hazing.

The draft agenda shows an anti-hazing officer reporting directly to the president. A compliance officer in the Music department will enforce new requirements for band members. Those requirements include:

Maintaining a 2.5 Grade Point Average

Band practice will be limited to 20 hours per week.

There can be no off campus meetings

Eligibility for band travel will have to be approved by three people, starting with the band director

Band members will also be limited to four years of performing on the field

And all band members must be full time or near full time students.

Senior Paige Turner believes the changes may have limited affect.

Reporter: You don’t think it will stop it?

“No,” Turner said.

Reporter: Why not?

“Because, I mean, even if you have a good GPA, you can still take part in stuff like that, or even if you have a bad GPA,” she said. “Good people do bad things sometimes.”

The draft plan also calls for all faculty, staff and students to sign a new anti hazing agreement.

The band lost three faculty members as a result of the hazing scandal. They will be replaced by visiting professors while the school searches for permanent replacements.

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