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Seniors to Sophomores, The Three Year Degree

May 11th, 2012 by flanews

The cost of college is rising. Tuition is increasing an average of 15 percent a year and nationwide student loan debt has passed the trillion dollar mark. But there are ways to save. As Whitney Ray tells us, the state is exploring a plan to help students cut the college costs by up to 25 percent.

When Daniel Aldridge graduates high school next month, he’ll already have earned 45 college credit hours.

“Right before I came in to high school I was like, I’m going to try to take as many AP classes as I can,” said Aldridge.

Junior Catherine Kent is on track to earn 60.

“All these hours and these classes will really make me stand out in the admissions process and hopefully they will make stand out enough to earn a full scholarship,” said Kent.

In college, time is money. The longer you’re enrolled, the more you pay. These students will save both time and money, by entering college as sophomores or maybe even higher.

“I could technically go in as a junior,” said Kent.

“The more time I can cut out the less money I’d have to pay and the less money I have to pay, the more money I actually have,” said Aldridge.

“College is expensive and I have four brothers,” said Kent.

These students owe part of their success to the growing number of Advanced Placement and Duel Enrollment courses in Florida schools.

“We are giving 1,200 AP tests this week and next week. Last year we were at 1,100. The year before that 900,” said Leon High School Principal Rocky Hanna.

And earning college credit here is free. A high school student who earn 30 credit hours can eliminate one full year of college and save 5-thousand dollars on tuition alone.

Thousands more can be saved on room and board. This week the Florida Government Efficiency Task Force began reviewing an expansion of three year degree programs. At a time when the cost of college is rising, the task force believes it can cut the price tag by 25 percent.

Many students who enter college with credit still take four years to graduate and instead use their extra hour credits to earn second and third. The task force is looking to attract more students who just looking to save money and get out quickly.

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