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Supervisors Investigate Illegal Voters

May 9th, 2012 by flanews

Thousands of registered voters in Florida may not even be US Citizens. As Whitney Ray tells us, supervisors of elections have been given a list of people who are registered to vote but may not legally be able to cast a ballot.

This is just part of a growing list of registered voters under suspicion. The Florida Division of Elections has identified more than three thousand people who are registered to vote, but may not be US citizens.

Division of Elections Spokesman Chris Cate says the people in question are probably here legally, they’re just not citizens.

“We are not talking about illegal immigrants who are getting onto the voter roles in this case, we’re talking about people who have legally gone through the processes with highway safety to obtain a drivers license which is absolutely okay for a noncitizen to do, but they can’t vote,” said Cate.

The state began compiling the list earlier this month. It’s been given to Florida’s supervisors of elections. And they’re being asked to check the status of the registered voters.”

Most of the names are from South Florida. Six were given to the Leon County Supervisor of Elections.

“There may be six individuals who potentially shouldn’t be registered to vote. So we are in the process of doing the kind of research necessary to confirm if the information is correct or not,” said Ion Sancho, the Leon County Supervisor of Elections.

If supervisors still can’t verify someone’s citizenship they’ll contact the person and give them 30 days to prove they’re legally able to vote.

“We have to do the research before we notify the individuals,” said Sancho.

There is still no proof any of the people on the list have cast ballots, but every one who registers to vote has to check a box confirming their a US citizen. Lying on the form is a third degree felony. If supervisors of elections discover that someone has illegally voted, they turn the name over to the state attorney and it’s up to them whether or not to press charges.

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