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SYG Preview

April 30th, 2012 by flanews

Major changes tonight, begin suggested to Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. As Whitney Ray tells us, a rogue task force on the self-defense law is releasing its recommendations on the eve of the first meeting of the governor’s stand your ground task force.

Following the shooting death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin and his shooter’s claim of self-defense, cries to review Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law grew louder.

Governor Rick Scott waited until the investigation into Martin’s death was over before naming a task force on Stand Your Ground. State Senate Chris Smith didn’t.

“We took an adult look at Stand Your Ground and we had adult discussions,” said Smith Monday at a news conference in Tallahassee.

Smith empanelled a task force in early April. Monday he released this report calling for major changes.

“If you take a life the least you should have to do is explain what happened fully and let police investigate,” said Smith.

Changes include a grand jury review of every future stand your ground case, an education campaign about the law and a system to track self-defense claims. The recommendations come a day before the governor’s task force is scheduled to meet.

Black student protestors from FSU and FAMU were requesting a spot on the governor’s stand your ground task force saying they are more likely to be victims of gun violence. Their requests were denied.

Instead the governor appointed FSU Campus Police Chief David Perry to bring student concerns to the panel. Perry brings year of experience dealing with students and connections with other universities throughout the state.

“I’m not just representing Florida State, I’m representing the whole university system,” said Perry.

His appointment isn’t enough to keep, young protestors at bay. The Dream Defenders, a student civil rights group, plans to attend Tuesday’s meeting. Smith will give his recommendations to the Governor and his task force. He’s also calling for a special session to implement the changes.

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