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FDLE Releases I-75 Investigation Report

April 26th, 2012 by flanews

We’re learning more tonight about the deadly pile up on I-75 that killed 11 people. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigated the accident and released its report today. As Whitney Ray tells us, it shows at least one trooper had concerns about reopening I-75 before the pileup began.

A deadly mixture of fog and smoke in the early morning hours of January 29th cost 11 people their lives. In a frantic 911 call you can hear the cars slamming in to each other on I-75 near Gainesville.

A report released by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Thursday found that a lack in communication among state troopers may have contributed to the pile-up. A spokesperson for FDLE couldn’t comment in depth about the report.

“Everyone on duty that night acted in a manner they felt was appropriate,” said FDLE Spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger.

Two wrecks shortly before midnight caused by smoke from a near by wildfire and fog, forced the Florida Highway Patrol to shut down the interstate.

According to a timeline of events laid out in the report around 3:00 AM, an FHP lieutenant drove I-75. He could see a quarter to a half mile up the road. 20 minute later he drove the road again and claimed visibility had improved even more.

Before the 2nd run, FHP Sergeant Bruce Simmons told the lieutenant quote, “I’m concerned that another cloud might roll through and then we got to go though all this again.”

The sergeant’s concerns were ignored and at 3:30 the interstate was reopened. Around 4 AM, the pileup began; according to the report there was less than three feet of visibility. A spokeswoman says FHP officials are still reviewing the findings and a more in-depth response will be released in two to three weeks.

The report calls for FHP to change its road closure policies from guidelines to mandates. It also recommends FHP communicate better with DOT, the Florida Forest Service and other agencies when there are hazardous road conditions. An FHP Spokeswoman says some changes have already been made. More are coming soon.

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