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Pro-Life, Pro-Choice Collide

February 23rd, 2012 by flanews

Pro-life and pro-choice advocates collided twice in Tallahassee today. Gruesome pictures of fetuses on display at FSU outraged students. At the state capitol Democrats and Republicans clashed over anti-abortion legislation. As Whitney Ray tells us, a battle is brewing late in session over women’s reproductive rights.

Giant pictures too gruesome to show on TV were on display Thursday at Florida State University. The pictures show aborted fetus next to blacks and Jews tortured and hanged by racists. The message is pro-life.

“They were deemed to be nonhuman, subhuman and we are arguing that that is the same thing that is happening today with abortion,” said Stephanie Gray with Genocide Awareness Project.

Pro-choice students rallied around the display. Handing out condoms and debating abortion. And while students collided with pro-life advocates on FSU’s campus, Democrats and Republicans clashed over the issue here at the state capitol.

A bill to keep Planned Parenthood from opening new clinics, require a 24-hour waiting period before all abortions and mandate ethics education for doctors raised temperatures in a House committee.

“It’s setting up barriers to prevent a women from receiving health care,” said Democratic House member Mark Pafford.

“I think when you make a choice to unilaterally end somebody else’s life by force, we generally call that murder,” said Republican Representative Jason Brodeur.

The bill passed on a party line vote. FSU Student Haley Gentile attended the committee and the pro-choice rally.

“I think this very clearly embodies the idea that there is a cultural war at hand,” said Gentile.

As the debate rages on, time is running out for Republican lawmakers who want to take on the hot social topic while the focus remains on Florida’s budget deficit. The anti-abortion bill passed its first full House committee today. Its senate companion passed its first committee yesterday. With just over two weeks left in session it will take some political maneuvering to get the issue to the House and Senate floors.

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