Congressional Term Limits
January 13th, 2012 by flanewsState lawmakers voted this week in support of limiting the number of consecutive years congressmen and US Senators can serve.
Congressional term limits have gained more popularity in recent months, as the approval rating for Congress dropped below 10 percent. Representative John Julien is co-sponsoring the Florida House memorial that urges Congress to adopt term limits.
“We as elected officials are supposed to serve the public and be public servants. You can’t be a public servant if you are in the system so long you forget that you are there to serve,” said Julien.
For the first time since the 90’s there are bills in both the US House and Senate to limit the number of consecutive terms. Both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney have voiced support of the limits while campaigning for the Republican Nomination for President. Advocates for limits have conducted polls claiming three out of every four voters supports capping the number of years.
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