Gambling, Redistricting Top 2012 Legislative Issues
January 6th, 2012 by flanewsWhen lawmakers return to Tallahassee next week for the 2012 legislative session, the budget and redrawing legislative districts will get the most attention. But as Whitney Ray tells us, lawmakers are expected to make time to take on casinos, taxes and unemployment.
After speaking to a commission to find jobs for disabled Floridians, Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll made it clear the budget would be a big issue this session.
“The governor is committed to putting the dollars in to education,” said Carroll.
The state is facing a two billion dollar budget shortfall and the governor wants an extra billion for schools. But the budget may not be the biggest session issue. Lawmakers are expected to spend a lot of time redrawing legislative and congressional districts.
While those two tall tasks are being tackled, the legislature will also be asked to consider a bill to expand gaming. The original plan called for resort casinos in Miami. A new draft may open the gate to resorts in Palm Beach and Tampa.
Friday the National Federation of Independent Business released a poll showing their members support the expansion by a 49 to 40 percent margin.
“We have rigid bylaws by which we take policy positions and we would need a much stronger result than that to become advocates of this issue,” said NFIB President Bill Herrle.
A more important issue to NFIB and other business organizations is the unemployment tax increases. The tax has risen 100 dollars per employee. The Florida Retail Federation is one of many groups calling for a reduction.
“Unemployment comp is a big deal. It’s 100 million dollars in taxes,” said Retail Federation President.
The Retail Federation is also supporting a bill to require online retailer to collect sales taxes. The issue is expected to get more traction this year than ever before. Session starts Tuesday, but the Senate Committee on Regulated Industries is expected to vote on the new gaming bill Monday so the committee can focus on other members’ bills.
Posted in Economy, Gambling, Legislature, State Budget, State News, Unemployment | 1 Comment »