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FAMU Reputation at Stake

December 15th, 2011 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida A & M University will graduate just under 650 students on Friday. Their graduation comes at a time when the University is under multiple investigations that began with the hazing death of Drum Major Robert Champion on November 19th. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, s sour mood pervades the campus on the eve of Christmas break.

Governor Rick Scott’s first act after a week long trade mission was to call for the suspension of FAMU president James Ammons.

“I think it will be better for the university. I think it will be better for him,” Scott said. “That he says, look, If I were in his position, I’d say, look, I want a thorough investigation, I want to make sure everyone feels comfortable that I am cooperating, because I want to come back and continue to build the university.”

On campus, 650 students are preparing to graduate this week. Many worry that the prestige of their degrees will suffer because of the investigations.

“I will be a product of FAMU, and a good product of FAMU,” FAMU graduate Vjohnae Milton said.

FAMU’s reputation has been renowned among historically black colleges. That’s why freshman Nicolette Jackson’s father encouraged her to attend. It is a decision she is rethinking.

Reporter: Had all this happened before you came to FAMU, would you have come here?

“Probably not,” Jackson said.

Reporter: Why?

“It’s just a lot for the school’s reputation,” she said.

FAMU’a flag remains at half staff in honor of Robert Champion, the drum Major who died last month after a severe hazing. Earlier this week, three band members were arrested, two of them charged with fracturing the leg of an 18-year-old at a band hazing. Now, the band’s finances are under investigation.

We’ve learned that when investigators started comparing notes, they discovered that there were 225 band students who had made the trip to Orlando, but allegedly, a far greater number were being claimed on expense reports.

FAMU’s board of trustees is scheduled to meet Monday morning.

Suspended Band Director Julian White said through a spokesperson that he was confident an audit of band travel would find no irregularities.

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