Florida Policyholders Insurances Report Card
December 8th, 2011 by flanewsEighty-six Fs and five Ds… those are the grades being given to state lawmakers who voted for insurance bills last session.
Today Florida Policyholders released its first report card grading lawmakers. Not every lawmaker ended up in the Policyholders’ principal’s office… the consumer advocacy group awarded two lawmakers with awards. The groups founder, Sean Shaw says the fight continues.
“We are starting to see these very anti-consumer bills that are somehow called pro-consumer. I don’t understand how a bill that allows people to be sucked in to a unregulated company is pro-consumer,” said Shaw.
Republican Senator Mike Fasano and Democratic House Member Evan Jenne were the two lawmaker honored today. Members who received failing grades say the bills they voted for will bring more competition into the state’s insurance market and in the long run that’s better for consumers.
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