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Trouble in Toyland: 26th Annual Report

November 22nd, 2011 by flanews

A warning to parents tonight, some of the presents on the selves this holiday season are dangerous. The Florida Public Interest Research Group released its 26th annual Trouble in Toyland report today. As Whitney Ray tells us, it highlights several dangerous toys and also tells parents what to watch for.

From pocket sized dinosaurs to toy motorcycles, the list of gifts that could bring more harm than cheer this holiday season is extensive.

These are just a few of the items that made the Trouble in Toyland Report released by the Florida Public Interest Research Group. This is the 26th year of the report. So far it’s help get 150 different toys off the shelves. Many because they present a choking hazard.

Using a toilet paper roll you can test a toy or a toy part to see if it’s a choking hazard for kids three and under. Just take the toy. Drop it over the rim… if it falls through the hole it’s too small.

There are other, not so visible dangers. Lead and other toxic chemicals can be hidden in paints and plastics. Some meet the minimum federal regulatory standards, but consumer advocate Brad Ashwell says that’s not good enough.

“The funny glasses have chemicals that cause reproductive disorders. Not so funny,” said Ashwell.

The danger doesn’t stop there.

Reporter: It’s too big to choke on and we are not sure if it’s toxic, what’s wrong with this toy?
Ashwell: This toy is excessively loud if held close to a child’s ear it could cause hearing problems.

One in five children will suffer hearing damage by their 12th birthday. Ashwell says dangerous noise levels are hard to test for, but if it sounds loud to you then it’s probably too loud for your child. For a list of toys PIRG says are unsafe you can visit their website toysafty.mobi. The sight is also available on mobile devices so consumers can look up a toy while they are shopping.

Posted in Children, State News | 1 Comment »

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