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FAMU Band Activities Suspended in Wake of Student Death

November 22nd, 2011 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida A&M University President James Ammons has suspended all band activities following the death of Drum Major Robert Champion on Saturday. The cause of death is still being investigated, but rumors of hazing are rampant on campus and the school’s President says he will form a task force to end the unhealthy culture surrounding the band.

Drum Major Robert Champion collapsed and complained of trouble breathing after exiting the band bus in Orlando on Saturday. Junior Eugene Jones says campus is a buzz about what happened. “I’ve been hearing crazy things about how they were saying they were hitting the guy as he walking by the bus,” says the Gainesville resident.

The hazing reports are unconfirmed, but hazing at FAMU is nothing new. Earlier this year thirty students were suspended from the band for alleged hazing.

In 2001, a band member was hospitalized and recovered. Then five fraternity brothers stood trial in 2006 for alleged hazing. A prosecutor told the judge, “The hazing resulted in serious injury.”

On Tuesday, University President James Ammons held a hastily called news conference. He announced the end of all band activity until the cause of death is determined.  “This suspension is effective immediately” said the President.

Ammons is also forming a task force. He wants to look into the prevalence of hazing on campus, but he stopped short of saying that was what caused Champion’s collapse.

“Hazing is illegal. And is something that should not happen. I am committed to making certain that we end this practice” says Ammons.

Sheriff’s investigators from Orlando are on the FAMU campus investigating the death. Band members have been told to cooperate with police but were also threatened with losing their spot on the band if they talk with the media. Hazing is a third degree felony in Florida.

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