Red Light Camera Repeal
October 17th, 2011 by flanewsEfforts are once again underway in Tallahassee to ban red light cameras. No bill has been filed yet, but state lawmakers who oppose the ticket issuing devices say a ban is in the works. As Whitney Ray tells us, there’s also legislation to set stricter standards on the length of yellow lights.
Jacquelyn Faison doesn’t mind cameras set up to catch people running red lights.
“They don’t bother me because if I see the light turning yellow I slow down and I stop,” said Jacquelyn.
But what does bother her are unpredictable yellow lights.
“Places where It’s yellow, then it’s red,” she added.
At this intersection a few blocks away from the state capitol the speed limits is 35 miles and hour. The yellow light last about 3.2 second. One block over the speed limit is the same but the yellow light is a tad longer.
One big difference in these two intersections is this, the one with the shorter light also has a red light camera.
Some state lawmakers accuse cities of shortening yellow lights to catch more red light runners. Representative Brad Drake wants yellow light lengths to be uniform around the state.
“You make it uniform throughout the State of Florida and you will have an appropriate amount of time to make a good decision,” said Drake.
Representative Richard Corcoran who sponsored a bill to repeal red-light camera last session says the whole system needs to be tossed out and reworked.
“The foundation is so broken and so cracked, there’s no way to get where we want to get under the existing set of circumstances of which we have,” said Corcoran.
Lawmakers began reviewing data from red light cameras Monday. More bills regulating the devices are expected to be filed before next year’s legislative session.
If the legislation passes, yellow light lengths would look like this; three seconds at intersections 25 miles per or slower. Four seconds where the speed limit is 35 miles per hour. Five seconds in a 45 and yellow light lengths would top out at six seconds where the speed limit is 55 miles per hour or higher.
Proposed Yellow Light Changes
25 MPH or slower 3 sec
35 MPH 4 sec
45 MPH 5 sec
55 MPH or faster 6 sec
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