A 13 Year Fight For Justice
October 19th, 2011 by Mike VasilindaA 31-year-old man who was awarded million for injuries caused by a speeding sheriff’s deputy in 1998 is still waiting for justice 13 years later. Eric Brody was just 18 when the crash confined him to a wheelchair, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, he is caught between warring politicians and an insurance company that wants to pay far less than a jury ordered.
Even though Eric Brody was awarded more than 30 million dollars for injuries, because they were caused by a sheriff’s deputy, he can’t collect more than 2 hundred thousand dollars without legislative approval.
And even though his award won’t cost state taxpayers a dime, he is caught between expensive lobbyists, and what many say is a flawed claims system filled with politics.
“What we will be pushing again early in the session this year, is to provide the Brody family some finality and justice,” Sen. Mike Haridopolos said.
The case is complicated. The insurance company that insured the Broward Sheriff for large claims wouldn’t settle. When the case got to court, the company was penalized for not acting in good faith. The insurer has since tried to give the Brodys eight million dollars, but Tampa Representative John Grant says a bigger issue is at stake.
“We have a fundamental question before us: are we going to let an insurance company come to Florida and use the legislative process to prevent payment on the policy they sold? I’m not willing to go down that path,” Grant said.
Eric watched silently, unable to speak clearly as the politicians discussed his case. He understands every word.
“What happens when my wife and I are gone?” Eric’s father, Chuck Brody, said. “Who’s going to fund his therapies? Who’s going to fund his life? What’s going to happen to him?”
On Facebook, Eric’s posting says his future intentions are a bit uncertain. So is the outcome of his legislative battle.
If the case doesn’t provide enough cash for Eric for life, tax payers could end picking up the tab for Eric Brody’s care after his parents are gone.
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