RX Database Up and Running
October 17th, 2011 by flanewsAfter a seven year legislative battle and problems finding funding, Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Database is finally up and running.
Today is its first day in operation and lawmakers have already spotted a problem. Pharmacists have to check the database before they fill a prescription for painkillers, but Doctors don’t have to use it before they write one. State Senator Mike Fasano is encouraging doctors to use it anyway.
“We’re encouraging and hoping that doctors throughout the state of Florida will use it. I believe they will. The Florida Medical Association, the Florida Osteopathic Association have encourage their members to use the database as much as they can,” said Fasano.
Fasano is considering legislation to force doctors to check the database before writing prescriptions. That way they can spot people who are going from doctor to doctor to fill up on painkillers.
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