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Change in Gun Law Threatens Some at Capitol

October 17th, 2011 by Mike Vasilinda

More than 700,000 holders of concealed weapons permits are now free to carry weapons into the state Capitol. Prior to October 1st, police asked for the weapons, but new legislation prohibits them from asking, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, many staff people are nervous.

In 2005, the Teri Schiavo case raised passions to the point that some lawmakers received death threats. Nat sot  And whenever talk of banning assault weapons comes up, there are more threats.

Prior to October 1st, visitors to the state Capitol carrying concealed weapons were escorted to a lock box. But with new legislation on the books, those packing heat get to keep their guns and they are given a notice explaining their rights.

So now those with a concealed carry permit won’t have to leave their guns downstairs at the entrance, they can walk around the building. But they still won’t be able to go into any committee meetings.

Legislative staffers are being offered a one hour safety course. It includes a list of warning signs of verbal and physical violence and also how to respond to an active shooter situation.

Bill Sponsor Greg Evers calls the change minor, saying police never had the authority to keep lawfully concealed weapons out of the building.

“They’re actually having to abide by the law as it’s written,” Evers said.

Senate Democratic leader Nan Rich is one of those who received death threats during the Schiavo ordeal. She voted against the change, and she wants it repealed.

“We need to go back and take a look at it and try to protect the people who work here,” Sen. Rich said. “The people who work here are frightened.”

Since October 1st, no one has come to the Capitol with a gun.

In the last year, the average of someone with a concealed weapon coming through security with a gun was about once every two months.

Posted in Legislature, State News | 1 Comment »

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