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Solar Competition Pits Florida Against World

September 21st, 2011 by Mike Vasilinda

Students from five Florida Universities are in Washington, DC competing against other collegiate teams from around the world to design, build and operate a completely sustainable solar house. The Solar Decathlon is a project of the US Department of Energy, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, it gives students first hand experience designing and building the world of tomorrow.

In the shadow of the Washington Monument, on the edge of the National Mall, 19 collegiate teams are competing to build the most efficient solar house. Team Florida is 40 engaged students from UCF, USF, FSU, and Florida. There is also a team from Florida International.

�The point of the entire competition is to be 100 percent solar powered and off-grid,” FIU team member Manny Dorticos said. “So these houses are supposed produce all of this energy, be net-zero homes essentially and produce everything that they need to sustain themselves. But also, they need to be within a certain range so that the public can afford these houses.�

There is a team from China. One from Canada, Belgium and New Zealand. Justin Vanderbroeck is from Team Florida and he supervised the solar installation.

�To get up there and do it, it�s a lot of energy and a lot of anticipation that�s finally taking place,” Team Florida engineering student Justin Vanderbroeck said.

The students come primarily from architecture, engineering and interior design disciplines.

The Department of Energy put up $100,000 for each house. But most of the houses are $250,000 or more to construct. Teams raised the difference from fundraisers or corporate sponsorships.

�We were really shooting for an affordable house for the average household in America to be energy efficient, run off solar energy, and still have a nice, comfortable place to live,” Vanderbroeck said.

Win, Lose, or Draw, the Team Florida House will eventually end up on the University of South Florida Campus to serve as a learning center.

For more information on the event, visit: http://www.solardecathlon.gov/

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