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Unemployment Stays Flat, For Now

July 22nd, 2011 by flanews

The state’s unemployment rate has hit a snag. After five straight months of dropping, the rate is now holding steady at 10.6 percent. As Whitney Ray tells us, the rate is flat, but there’s trouble on the horizon.

Wilfred Lemmard is thumbing through the phonebook looking to find a landscaping job.

“I use a phonebook, then I am able to see different people who are advertising,” said Lemmard.

Shuntereas Andrews will take anything that pays.

“Whether it’s working at a fast food restaurant or a grocery store or a clothing store, anything,” said Andrews.

They are just two of Florida’s 980-thousand jobseekers. Florida’s unemployment rate is still high, even though its’ dropped five times since January. The latest jobless statistics show the rate holding steady (flat) at 10.6 percent.

While Florida’s unemployment rate stayed even at this go round, there’s a deluge of trouble on the horizon, 1,300 state workers received pink slips this month and their job losses will soon show up in the statistics.

Also bookstore chain Borders is closing all its stores. There are 30 in Florida with hundreds of employees. The ending of the space program will leave 3-thousand Floridians without jobs.

Manufacturing is picking up for the first time since 2006, adding 800 jobs in Florida.

“It’s relatively small but it’s a big deal to finally gain after so many years,” said AWI Chief Economist Rebecca Rust.

But that’s not near enough to get the state back to work. There are still more jobseekers than opening and when you factor in people who are underemployed or have stopped looking the rate rises to 18.7 percent.

Although the state unemployment rate is flat, every Florida county saw it’s rate increase. The reason is the state’s rate is seasonally adjust, which means it doesn’t count farm workers and other people who are only employed part of the year. But those workers were figured into the county counts.

Posted in Economy, State Budget, State News, Unemployment | No Comments »

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