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Bill Banning Internet Cafes Filed

July 8th, 2011 by flanews

There are five-hundred internet cafes statewide. Some are registered as charities, some sweepstakes. Some both. But what goes on inside often times is gambling, and the state doesn’t have the right to shut them down. A bill was filed this week to give the state the authority to stop internet cafes from allowing customers to play games. Rep. Scott Plakon filed the bill. We spoke with him during the legislative session when he announced he would find a way to stop the cafes.

“Having 500 store front casinos in our state right next to the drycleaner is a problem that needs to be solved and needs to be addressed by the legislature and I’m hopeful next year that we’ll be able to do that,” said Plakon.

Supporters of the cafes say they’re completely legal and if any of them are violating the law, it’s up to local governments, not the state, to police the businesses.

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