Memorial Services for Fallen Florida Firefighters
June 23rd, 2011 by flanewsFuneral arrangements have been set and accounts set up for two Florida firefighters killed in action. Josh Burch and Brett Fulton were killed Monday in Hamilton County when a gust of wind swelled the fire they were fighting engulfing the two men. A memorial service for Burch is being held Friday. Saturday Fulton will be honored. Governor Rick Scott will not be attending the funerals but he did offer his condolences to the firefighters families.
“Your heart just goes out to the families. I’ve spoken to their spouses. There’s nothing you can say when something like that happens,” said Scott.
Accounts have been set up in Gainesville at the SunState Federal Credit Union, and in Tallahassee at the FLAG Credit Union on behalf of the families. The Division of Forestry is also accepting letters of condolences on behalf of the firefighters’ families.
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