400 Jobs Hang in the Balance
May 13th, 2011 by flanewsThirty employees from the DeSoto Juvenile Correctional Facility and the Dual Diagnosed Correctional Facility are asking Governor Rick Scott to save their jobs.
Budget cuts will close the facilities in July, unless Scott issues a line item veto to save them. The employees traveled to Tallahassee Friday to plea with Scott. They spoke to a representative from his office. Jan Jackson teaches are the facilities and says without the services they provide high risk kids will suffer.
“I feel like it’s a very important facility, that there are services there for the students that they can’t get anywhere else in the State of Florida. A lot of these children are hard to manage and they receive a variety of services there: medical and therapeutic and educational on the whole and a lot of other things there,’ said Jackson.
If Scott signs the budget with out eliminating the spending cut, four hundred people will lose their jobs.
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