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Database Deal

May 6th, 2011 by flanews

Controversy over a prescription drug database is being put to rest tonight. The Florida House and Senate have reach a deal that keeps the prescription drug database in place and stiffens penalties for doctors and pharmacists that prescribe large qualities of painkillers to people who don’t need them. As Whitney Ray tells us, lawmakers say the changes will save hundreds of lives.

In Florida seven people a day overdose on prescriptions drugs and die. The source of the drugs is often a pain clinic where doctors liberally dispense power painkillers.

On the last day of session the Senate voted to start keeping tabs on what prescriptions people are buying in hopes of saving lives. In debate senators told sad stories from their districts.

�I have constituents and friends in Naples that have cried, who have cried countless times because of the sad experiences that they�ve had,� said State Senator Garrett Richter.

Attorney General Pam Bondi watched from above. Bondi stayed up until three AM working with lawmakers on the legislation aimed at changing Florida�s image.

�We are the epicenter of drug abuse for the country and that�s ridiculous and I think we are very blessed that we have a house and a senate and a governor who now agree with that,� said Bondi.

The Senate agreed to keep most doctors from selling prescription drugs. In exchange the House let them keep the database.

State Senator Mike Fasano brokered the deal.

�We are going to be able to stop the doctor shopping. Stop the overprescribing. Go after the unscrupulous characters who go from doctor to doctor and pharmacy to pharmacy,� said Fasano.

The database will be up and running in August. Increased penalties for doctors and pharmacists liberally dispensing drugs, will be enhanced later this year. Lawmakers hope the changes will save lives and help the state shed its image as the pill mill capital of the country.

The database will cost nearly two million dollars to set up and operate. Private donors have offered to pay for the system for the first few years of its existence.

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