Medically Needy Decry Senate Cuts
April 7th, 2011 by flanewsFlorida’s 15 public, children’s, and teaching hospitals are being targeted by state lawmakers for millions of dollars in budget cuts.
So is the medically needy program. Hospital CEOs joined transplant survivors at the state capitol today to talk about the ramifications of the cuts. Mary Ellen Ross had a liver transplant. Ross relies on the Medically Needy program to pay for medicine that keeps her body from rejecting the organ. She says if the program is cut, she will die.
“My life will be shut down more quickly if this program is not here as something I can rely on to the day that God wants to take me, not the state of Florida,” said MaryEllen Ross.
Union workers from Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami-Dade County fear cuts to the public hospitals are an attempt by the legislature to privatize the facility.
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