Nurses Lobby
April 6th, 2011 by flanewsNurses are roaming the halls of the state capitol today asking lawmakers for more money for public hospitals. The nurses fear with the governor and legislative leaders so eager to privatize public services… hospitals like Jackson Memorial in Miami-Dade County could be next. Martha Baker, a nurse and President of SEIU (Service Employees International Union), says its time for all public employees to fight back.
“Statewide, it’s about the attack on the public altogether. Public safety net hospitals, such as Jackson, throughout the state. Attacks on education. Rick Scott has been a wrecking ball on the public sector in Florida. We’re up here objecting to that today. Main focus: save Jackson Memorial Hospital, save our public health system, save safety net hospitals,” said Baker.
Around one today a hundred nurses rallied in the capitol then split into groups to lobby lawmakers.
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