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Baggy Britches Ban

April 5th, 2011 by flanews

State lawmakers want to crack down on kids who wear their pants too low. Legislation banning saggy pants students from sports, band, and choir classes is close to becoming Florida law. As Whitney Ray tells us, the sponsor of the baggy britches bill says students need to learn how to dress for a more competitive job market.

Sophomore Bern Mustian prefers to wear his pants the way they were meant to be worn. Above his hips. If Bern does bust a sag… it’s an accident.

“Sometimes it just happens,” said Bern.

In the hallways he sees classmates who sag their pants… but says it bothers the teachers more than it does him.

“I just don’t look at that person. The first thing I don’t look at is their pants,” said Bern.

But in extreme situations in schools throughout the state sagging is so bad… underwear or even backsides can be scene. State lawmakers say its too much.

“If we teach them how to read, writting, and arithmetic, we can teach them how to dress,” said Siplin.

State Senator Gary Siplin is proposing legislation that would require public school students to pull their pants up.

Caught with their pants down the first time and the principal would call the student’s parents. The second time would result in a face to face meeting with the principal and the student would be banned from sports, arts and music classes for five days.

The third time a student was caught showing their underwear… would result in 30 days without the fun classes…. and in school suspension. Some lawmakers think it’s too much.

“We may be concerned that this is addressing a larger social issue. The true addressing of that issues begins at home,” said Representative Dwight Bullard.

The baggy britches bill has failed several years running… this year it appears to have more support. The bill has already passed the full Senate. Today it made it through its final House committee stop and could heard by the full House early next week.

Posted in Legislature, State News | 1 Comment »

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