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Unemployment Reform Moves to House Floor

February 25th, 2011 by flanews

Major changes to the way Florida pays its unemployed are ready to be voted on in the state house and session hasn’t even begun. State lawmakers have fast-tracked a plan that would reduce the number of weeks the unemployed can receive benefits, make it easier for businesses to challenge claims and as Whitney Ray tells us, lower taxes.

Randall Webster got an unwelcome gift for his 50th birthday, a pink slip. For the first time in his life, he was unemployed.

“A living hell to be honest, It’s been very difficult,” said Randall.

A former nonprofit director, Webster took his story to lawmakers trying to cut unemployment benefits.

“It’s very difficult when you walk into a situation trying to gain employment and there’s well over 150 candidates trying to get those jobs,” said Randall.

Under a new proposal, jobseekers like Randall would lose their benefits if they turned down jobs that pay the same as their unemployment checks, regardless of their skill level. The bill would also reduce the number of weeks jobseekers can receive state benefits from 26 to 20. Democrats call the legislation heartless.

“Where are those compassionate conservatives that everybody…that you all talk about?” asked Representative Jim Waldman.

Friday the bill passed its final House committee on a party line vote. The bill has been speeding through the legislative process, and even though session has yet to begin it’s ready for a floor vote, which means tax relief for Florida business could be right around the corner.

The bills sponsor says if it goes all the way, businesses, on average, will get a 20 dollar per employee tax break this year. And more tax relief the following year.

“The global idea in Florida as far as doing everything we can to encourage businesses to move to the state,” said Representative Doug Holder.

At issue is two billion dollars Florida has borrowed from the feds to pay claims. The 1st payment is due this fall. The bill sets up a system to pay off the debt by 2020.

Posted in Economy, Legislature, State News, Taxes | No Comments »

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