Building a Track Around the Governor
February 17th, 2011 by flanewsThe race is on to claim the high speed rail money Governor Rick Scott told the Federal government the state didn’t want. Now Florida’s congressional delegation is working with cities in counties in Central Florida to come up with a plan to secure the 2.4 billion dollars. As Whitney Ray tells us, the legislature could snub Scott and put rail in their budget, but that’s not likely to happen.
State lawmakers say Governor Rick Scott is overstepping his authority by turning down federal money for high speed rail.
“There’s a proper process that stays within the constitution that I think is important,” said State Senator JD Alexander.
They wanted a say so, and could in fact fund rail in their budget, but for now they’re standing down because a veto would be a certainty.
“I don’t believe the votes are in the Florida legislature to override the governor,” said State Senator Mike Fasano.
With this announcement Wednesday…
“Today I’m announcing my decision to reject the Obama’s Administration’s plan to partially fund the costly Tampa to Orlando high speed rail project,” said Rick Scott Wednesday.
The money grab began. Now California and New York want the 2.4 Billion dollars the feds wanted to give to Florida for a rail system from Orlando to Tampa… but other Florida officials say not so fast.
Some members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation say the governor is on the wrong side of the tracks. They’re working with the US Department of Transportation to see if they can go around the governor. Sen. Bill Nelson is leading the charge.
“We can not afford to let this opportunity pass us by,” said Nelson.
Tampa and South Florida government organizations are willing to oversee the project. Consumer Groups are supporting his efforts.
“It was a good deal. The federal government was going to cover 90 percent of the cost. Other states that turned away the federal money didn’t’ have that same deal,” said Brad Ashwell with Florida PIRG.
If an agreement isn’t reached soon, the train will leave the tracks without Florida… and the 2.4 billion federal dollars will create thousand of jobs in another state.
This afternoon a letter signed by 26 Florida Senators was sent to US DOT Secretary Ray LaHood. The letter asks him to work with the Florida Statewide Passenger Rail Commission to bring the project to Florida. The commission was created by the legislature in 2009.
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