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Scott’s Jobs Plan

February 11th, 2011 by flanews

Governor Rick Scott has attended two media events where new jobs were announced, but expansion plans for the two companies creating the jobs were in the works long before Scott became governor. While both companies praised Scott’s commitment to lowering business taxes, as Whitney Ray tells us, the governor’s jobs agenda has yet to leave the runway.

From the wing of a Boeing 737 Governor Rick Scott, was flying high over the prospect of 4-thousand new Florida jobs.

“I want to be the “Jobs Governor” and get this state back to work,” Scott said from a news conference in Destin on January 17th.

Scott wants to create 700-thousand jobs in seven years. It’s not clear if he’ll use the 4-thousand jobs that could be created by Vision Airlines in his final tally. The company’s expansion plans were in the works before Scott took office.

Another company with prior Florida plans announced 244 jobs Thursday. Scott made the announcement.

“Do about one a day and about seven hundred days and a thousand jobs a day and I’d make my goal,” said Scott.

Bing, a science based company, offered Scott some credit for influencing their final decision.

“The tipping point in our decision to move to Florida is the governor’s pledge to try and eliminate the corporate income tax, it’s huge,” said

Scott took the credit, but won’t elaborate on how involved he was in Bing’s move.

“Calling companies every day talking to people about coming here, but it’s nice when things like Vision and Bing happen,” said Scott.

While it’s unclear how many jobs Scott’s created, its crystal clear how many he’s eliminated. Friday he let go fourteen administrators from the Department of Corrections. Eleven were let go when he put the state air fleet on the auction block and four were fired when Scott closed the Office of Drug control.

Scott has been on the job less than two months so it will likely be a long time before jobs created in Florida can be directly tied to his actions. Economists also predict a million jobs will be created over the next seven years as the economy recovers. Scott has promised his job creation will be on top of the million.

Scott has been on the job less than two months so it will likely be a long time before jobs created in Florida can be directly tied to his actions. Economists also predict a million jobs will be created over the next seven years as the economy recovers. Scott has promised his job creation will be on top of the million.

Posted in Economy, State Budget, State News | 18 Comments »

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