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Scott Unveils His First Budget

February 7th, 2011 by Mike Vasilinda

The governor says he will cut the tax on corporations by almost half in an effort to lure more companies to the state.

“They know they have a governor that is going to sit down and try to solve problems if they have any problems in the state,” Scott said. “That’s going to give a great incentive for people to come here rather than any place in the country.”

Florida ranks 15th in corporate taxes, and state Senator Eleanor Sobel says low taxes aren’t what companies are interested in most.

“We do know that the first question that corporations ask is “tell me about your education system,” Sobel said.

Even the State Senate’s budget chairman, a conservative from the Governor’s own party, is skeptical.

“I haven’t seen some of the details of the proposals he’s put together, so until I’ve had a chance to read them, understand them, talk to him a little bit about it in detail, it’s kind of hard to comment on it,” Sen. J.D. Alexander (R-Lakeland) said.

Lawmakers, not the Governor, will have the final say.

Think of the governor’s plan as a roadmap. The only problem here is that there are 160 other drivers and not all of them want to go the same way.

Activists point out Florida is already one of the lowest taxed states in the country.

“The notion that somehow we can cut five billion dollars out of this budget is just very unreasonable,” Karen Woodall, with the Center for Economic and Fiscal Policy, said.

Scott made history when he chose to unveil the spending plan outside the capitol. Now lawmakers will decide if different is also good.

Posted in Business, Rick Scott, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

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