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Lame Duck Cabinet

November 9th, 2010 by flanews

The governor and members of the Florida cabinet have 54 days to leave their mark on Tallahassee before their terms end and their successors take office. But the lame duck cabinet isn’t just quacking. As Whitney Ray tells us, protection for seniors, improving the foreclosure process and maybe even a pardon deceased Doors front man Jim Morrison are in the works.

Fresh off a shellacking in the US Senate race, but showing no signs of defeat, Governor Charlie Crist came back to Tallahassee Tuesday to tackle state issues.

Crist plans to finish strong and return to private life when his term ends in January, but before he goes he may pardon Jim Morrison for indecent exposure and profanity in Miami in 1969.

“I’m certainly willing to consider it. Why not?”

Crist isn’t the only short timer with an agenda. Defeated Gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink is asking the state legislature to protect seniors from fraud when they meet in special session next week.

“There is a risk management bill that the governor vetoed, that I’m encouraging them to override,” said Sink.

Attorney General Bill McCollum lost in the gubernatorial primary. He may become a lobbyist, but before he leaves office he wants to stop health care reform and make the foreclosure process better in Florida.

“The foreclosure issue is really, really a pressing issue right now,” said McCollum.

The three politicians have just over seven weeks to put their final stamps on their offices. Much of that time will be spent helping their successors measure the drapes. Former Governor Bob Martinez lost his bid at a second term in 1990. He says the final push is all about the transition.

“What you want to do is cooperate as much as you can to be sure it’s a good transition. You want to leave that way. You want to leave where there are no hiccups,” said Martinez.

And the process is already underway. Crist meet with Governor-Elect Rick Scott Tuesday. He told the newcomer, “Follow your heart.”

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